Smetana / Dvorak - Ma Vlast (My Country) / Symphonic Variations Album herunterladen

Künstler: Smetana / Dvorak
Album: Ma Vlast (My Country) / Symphonic Variations
Freigegeben: 19.04.1966
Genre: Classical
Stil: Romantic
Format: MP3, FLAC
Größe der Datei: 186.7 mb
Qualität: 320kbps
1. Ma Vlast (My Country)
2. No. 1: Vysehrad
3. No. 2: Vltava
4. No. 3: Sarka
5. No. 4: Z Ceskych Luhuv A Hajuv (From Bohemia's Forests And Meadows)
6. No. 5: Tabor
7. No. 6: Blanik
8. Symphonic Variations, Op. 78
9. Theme
10. Variations 1 to 27
11. Finale
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